Many companies are increasingly prioritising employee mental health and wellbeing, recognising it is within their duty of care to offer workplace wellness programmes or educational events. Not only does it significantly impact on company profits, but also builds loyalty and motivation for employees.
Sick staff are costing British firms around £77 billion annually in lost productivity.
Presenteeism is also causing significant problems for companies including a lack of productivity, an increased likelihood of mistakes, worker exhaustion and even workplace epidemics.
Those who work whilst sick take longer to recover and their lack of enthusiasm or continued illness will lower workplace morale.

Exhale offers bespoke packages in the workplace, for individuals, corporate events and workshops. Services can be offered face to face or remotely.
Wellness in the workplace – 3-hour event for groups
Workshops are designed to give attendees a greater understanding of mental health, open up discussion on how to recognise early symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression and identify how best to manage stressful or difficult situations. Attendees will also be given a glimpse into why people react to various situations the way they do and how we can identify and collaborate better to support each other in the workplace.

Attendees will be given an insight into psychology for themselves and their co-workers which really assists in bringing teams together with a greater understanding of working collaboratively for more effective outcomes. The workshop concludes with a group hypnotherapy session and a blueprint for implementing self-care and wellbeing practices that can be used at home and in the workplace. Workshops are very much a teambuilding and collaborative event.

I can offer 1-2-1 Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy to your individual team members. We recommend an initial consultation followed by a minimum of three subsequent one-our appointments. These sessions can be via Teams or Zoom.
I will educate your team members on mental wellbeing and self-care, and the importance of wellness in the workplace. Comprehensive well-being is so important and how we support ourselves and others within our business, including team members, partners, clients and associates is crucial.