Anxiety and anger can be caused by body’s natural response to prolonged stress or trauma, or a general build-up of having too much to deal with over a period of time. Anxiety and anger will present itself as a feeling of being overwhelmed and the brain will kick in to fight (anger) or flight (anxiety) mode.
Other feelings or symptoms you may experience:
Churning or knotted feeling in the stomach
Increased heartbeat or palpitations
The desire to leave any situation that is too difficult to deal with (flight)
Anger, which can be quite common
Insomnia/disrupted sleep patterns/frequent night waking
How Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with anger and anxiety by giving you perspective and focusing on what is important. This will enable you to better assess day to day situations more effectively. Once you have this perspective, anxiety levels drop and balance is restored.